Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Product Placement- NHL and Gatorade Commercial

While watching the NHL Gatorade commercial I instantly knew what the promoting product was. The black and white, washout layout and specifically the colored sweat from the player had the trademark of Gatorade all over it. The actually product is not shown throughout the entire advertisement, but because of its brand equity and logo viewers are aware of what the commercial is about. However, Gatorade is not the only product being advertised. As the National Hockey League’s season comes to a close, playoffs are making way. And with the excitement of playoffs the running of this commercial has increased, promoting the NHL along with the sports drink. What the advertisement ended up doing for me was it got me pumped and ready for the playoffs to begin. It didn’t really make me want to go out and buy Gatorade because all the great professional hockey players do. I don’t play hockey therefore I don’t have a need for the extra performance boost that Gatorade would provide me with. Being that I am a hockey fan I thoroughly enjoy the commercial and thought it was produced well. The song, clips, and editing all worked together to create an effective commercial for the NHL, but because I am not an impulse buyer or a big Gatorade drinker it does not make me want to go by the product. But because of my love of the sport it does want me to participate in watching the NHL playoffs so I guess one out of two isn’t so bad.

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