Saturday, March 22, 2008

Product Placement

The product Pringles has teamed up with American Idol, the show that has the whole country watching, and Ford automobiles. A contest is advertised on the can; win VIP tickets to the American Idol Finale or a Ford Focus. All three products are aimed towards the same target audience. Advertising the show's finale on the Pringle's product would appeal to any consumer who enjoys the show. It may influence some Idol fans to buy the chips in hope that they may win the contest. Personally I don't care if the contest is offered with the chips or not. I buy Pringles for the chips' taste not what is offered with them. I already own a car and I don't watch American Idol so the contest has no interest to me. When I purchased the Pringles I did not even notice the contest until I was going to throw the empty can out. The advertisers promoted the contest with the American Idol logo located at the top of the distributor, barely noticeable to the consumer on the move. The contest was to go online and continue steps to enter, not one that you simply lift up the cap and it states if you have won or not. Usually when I purchase Pringles it is for a party or special occasion. In the instance of the American Idol Finale, if I watched the show, I would get together with friends and probably have Pringles on hand as a snack.

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